Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Got $$$ ?!

Hey campers!

If you'd like to attend the 9th Annual Rise Up and Sing vocal summer music camp, but think you can't afford it -- there are LOTS of ways to EARN the $$$ you need.  Below are just a few ideas to get you started.  The key is to start early!  Put a little away every week and before you know it you're there!

1.  Apply for a music camp scholarship.  Click here for the application.

2.  Apply for outside scholarships.  One such scholarship that is available locally is the Don Royster Scholarship.

3.  Ask friends and family to sponsor you.  You might offer your services (babysitting, yardwork, etc.) in exchange for a $20 donation to your music camp fund.

4.  Have a bake sale, or make a craft you're good at and sell it around the community.

5.  Contact your parents' employers and ask if they'd be willing to sponsor you ... lots of businesses are generous when it comes to the education of our youth.

** If you're a person who has the desire to affect children's lives in a positive way, financial donations are much appreciated.  All donations go directly to scholarships for campers.  Contact Leslie at (208)532-4626.